We bring millions of people together.

We believe that life is all about the people you meet. That’s why we build platforms to bring people together in a fun, simple and efficient way.

Massive Media is part of the Match Group. Together with our sister companies Tinder, Plenty of Fish, Meetic and many more, we use revolutionary technology to spark deeper connections across the globe.

Massive Media


We love coming to work every day to change people’s lives. We want to be better and bigger, and we have a plan to get there. We trust that you’ll step up and make your mark.

Massive Media
Massive Media


You’ll be working with smart people from all kinds of backgrounds. As a member of the Match Group, you’ll benefit from extensive, world-class knowledge sharing.

Massive Media


Communication is in our DNA. Tell us about your dreams, ambitions and aspirations. We have built a team of rock stars, because we care.

Massive Media
Massive Media


We have our feet on the ground but our eyes on the sky. We keep challenging the status quo and set the bar high.

Massive Media


We understand that passionate, intelligent and creative people need space to achieve excellence. You’ll be working in a team, but will enjoy great independence.

Massive Media
Massive Media